Fox News keeps on the offensive against electric vehicles, attacks the world's first Nissan Leaf owner

After that ridiculous scene with Fabio, oil loving Fox News decided to attack Olivier Chalouhi, the world's first Nissan Leaf owner, for supposedly getting Obama to pay for his Japanese car (lies). I suppose bailing out criminal bankers with tax-payers’ money is ok with Fox, though.

The unembeddable and unbelievable video can be seen at Fox. Chalouhi's response can be read below (originally posted to MyNissanLeaf):

I did check with Nissan Corp before accepting the interview, and yes it was a pure evil setup from Fox. I wanted to return the question to them with the foreign oil angle, but they wouldn't give me the speech back. Sorry about that guys, I should have known better, but I don't watch TV, I don't have cable, and I'm not from the U.S. The sad thing is that I'm sure that some Americans will watch this and think, "heh, he's right, why am I paying $7,500 to this guy?" (heh, not only is the car Japanese, but I'm French :p) ok, I'll stop here, I don't want to be dragged into political discussions... The car is great ! That's what matters.

Hat tip to EVPerspective